Painted Equator Gallery

The painter Petr Stronskiy, national artist of the Russian Federation and the member of the Moscow Artists‘ Union, has become the ambassador of the Painted Euquator Gallery. He graduated from the Moscow State Art Academy. His talent and art education helped him to become a master of various art genres. He has a distinctive style that makes his works easily recognizable. He is the author of the bronze statue of the Good Angel of Peace, which he installs in various countries and cities of the planet as a message of peace and friendship. Since 2007 he has been the President of the International Academy of Culture and Art in Moscow, which activity aims to achieve and develop mutual understanding and friednship between the nations through the culture and art as a universal tool.

Vyslanec Peter Stronskiy


Carpathian Space Art, the international art festival in Ukraine, premiered in May 2016 in Ivano-Frankovsk. The aim of the festival is to unite the countries of the Carpathians not only through the territory, but also through the art. More than 50 people participated in our project, including the participant at the Winter Olympics in freestyle skiing Nadija Didenko, journalist Lesja Pushik, the chairman of the Writers‘ Union Eugen Baran, director and dramaturge Raguli Vlasidze, physicist Ivan Hasjuk.

Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch
Umenie v Karpatoch

The new ambassadors of the Painted Equator Gallery has become: Ibrahim Ghazala (Egypt), painter, he devotes himself to landscape painting and portraiture. He draws his inspiration from the beauty of the nature around the world thanks to his project the Paintings of the World through the Eyes of an Egyptian. Since 2008 he has been the director of the International Symposium Luxor. He is the president of Visual Arts magazine. Zufar Gimayev (Tatarstan, Russian Federation), painter, pedagogue, member of the Union of Fine Artists of the Russian Federation and chairman of the Union of Fine Artists of the Republic of Tatarstan. Since 2012 he has been an honorary member of the UNESCO International Humanitarian Academy. Ahmet Erman Karagoz (Cyprus), painter, he presented his works at the exhibitions in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Nicosia and Ankara. Yelena Ralina (Kazakhstan), artist from Astana, where she lives and works in her studio. She is a laureate in many art awards. Vasile Sitari (Moldova) is an associate professor at the Moldova Academy of Music, Theatre and Art. Since 1996 he has been a member of AIAP UNESCO in Paris and since 2007 a member of the Union of Moldovan Artists. Khalid Al Tahmazi (Bahrain) studied art at the Bahraini Arts Association, of which he later became a member. His work has signs of different cultures, a combination of figurative and abstract work. He is a member of World Wide Arts Resources.

Noví vyslanci
Noví vyslanci
Noví vyslanci
Noví vyslanci
Noví vyslanci
Noví vyslanci

On Saturday May 21st 2016, Andrej Smolák Gallery in Snina opened its doors during The Night of Museums and Galleries. The exhibition entitled Celebrities in the Gallery presented pictures from the PEG project by Slovak and Czech personalities such as Ivan Gašparovič, Pavol Hammel, Jan Grešo, Lenka Šóošová, Maroš Kramár, Dara Rolins, Zuzana Fialová, Miroslav Dvorský, Ján Mucha, Peter Bondra, Martin Dejdar and many others. The exhibition was held in blue and white colours, from decoration to catering. The ladies and girls who were dressed in red-black clothes were given an art gift dedicated by the gallery. The music program was enriched by the violinist Adriana Leško and the surprise of the evening was the bodypainting by Ivana Kuriščáková.


Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii
Celebrity v galérii

In the newly built Painted Equator Gallery pictures from Slovak presidents can not be absent. Like from many others, they will be the memory and legacy of these personalities. Mr. president Ivan Gašparovič has kindly welcomed us in his office, where we delivered paints, brushes and canvas. He painted a picture of a tinker. He decided to support the good idea of ​​the project, positive thinking, togetherness and humanity. Mr Gašparovič is really handy and skilful, and you can see for yourself in the PEG gallery.

Video from the Presidential Office is available here:


V prezidentskej kancelárii
V prezidentskej kancelárii
V prezidentskej kancelárii
V prezidentskej kancelárii


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